Tuesday, September 13, 2016

5 Study Tips to Improve Your Memory for your First Midterm!

5 Study Tips to Improve Your Memory for 
your First Midterm!

           1.       Speak Out Loud Instead of Simply Reading
Sometime reading can become a mindless activity and you zone-out and skip over passages instead of actually reading them.  Reading aloud solves that problem. 

       2.       Reward Yourself With A Treat
Always reward yourself with small treats as you conquer study milestones.  Like completing an outline, finish briefing all your cases or just working for a set number of hours, a small treat will be a great boost to start your next cycle of studying!

      3.       Teach What You Have Learned
Grab a classmate and teach them the latest topic you’ve mastered.  Not only will it help you retain the material, your classmate will get the benefit of working with you.

      4.       Take Regular Study Breaks
Don’t study for hours and hours on end.  Every couple of hours, take a short walk, watch an episode of your favorite program, or chat with a friend or family member.  Your brain will appreciate the break!

      5.       Practice, Practice, Practice…

Get copies of previously asked questions, samples from your professor, or make up questions with a study group. Then practice writing essays, in test taking conditions (quiet room, no distractions), and time yourself.  Use an outline to grade yourself afterwards, or exchange answers with a classmate and help grade each other.