Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Mid Semester Slump

Around this time, it is normal to feel lost and unmotivated, especially after hearing the words "final exam" repeatedly stated by your professors. Here are some tips to get over the mid semester slump:

  • Switch Up Your Routine! Whether it is finding a new study buddy or changing your daily routines and habits. If you usually study alone, walk up to someone new, introduce yourself, and plan a study session during one of these weekends. If you usually go to the gym after class, go to the gym in the morning. Fill your life with new excitement through other routines and new people.
  • Get Reorganized! First, figure out what you have and maybe then will you find out that you're not missing as much as you thought. You could trade notes with someone in your class that takes notes on their laptops or takes good in-class notes but you only take good at-home reading notes. 
  • Enroll in a clinic! It is never to late to attend a pro bono clinic and getting out of your comfort zone to talk to some clients before that summer internship starts! This way, you'll have some experience in a formal legal setting with clients.  
  • And finally, Keep Your Eyes On the Prize! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Once you're done with finals you'll have a whole summer vacation to look forward to. The short term sacrifices you make right now will lead to long-term gains in the form of great final exam grades. You only have to put in a lot of hard work now, you'll have plenty of time to rest during summer break!