Monday, November 23, 2015

This Week's 1L Life Hack!

Continuous Lack of Sleep is Equated to Operating While Drunk

It may seem like a great idea to pull all nighters in the last few weeks before exams, but there are studies that have shown that continuous lack of sleep is the same as being drunk. As you continue to prepare for finals, ensure that you are getting enough sleep. By making a study plan and sticking to it, you can build in time for sleep. Don’t underestimate the power of sleep.
It is inevitable to think that you will be awake the night before an exam because you are nervous and feel unprepared. Make that the only sleepless night that you have during finals week(s). Get to bed on a regular schedule in between exams, that way your lack of sleep is not a pattern.
As a general rule, people cannot “bank” sleep, i.e. you cannot sleep the weekend before exams in preparation for a week of sleepless nights. But, you can catch up on sleep afterwards. So, if you spend the night or nights before your final LRW memo awake writing, you can use Thanksgiving weekend to catch up on the sleep that you missed for those nights. Don’t sleep the whole weekend away though, because you can’t bank those hours for the weeks that are coming.
People that are chronically sleep deprived function less cognitively and more methodically. Therefore, unless you have studied for finals thoroughly ahead of time and can do legal analysis with your eyes closed, depriving yourself of sleep because you are cramming for an exam is not going to be a benefit. If you have pulled multiple all-nighters during exams, you are probably chronically sleep deprived and are not going to be able to logically formulate your answers for essay exams.
More fundamentally, cramming all night is just a bad idea. Take time ahead of reading week to make sure that you are well-prepared for finals. Make sure that you are getting a good amount of sleep, at least one full REM cycle, before each exam. Good Luck!

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